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Within Eveho Foundation, we rely on complete residential services intended for groups currently and formerly under guardianship, coming from national and foreign background, in diverse catalan territories, in particular in the districts of Barcelona, Girona and Tarragona.   

The residential services take care of underaged groups, under guardianship and coming from DGAIA (General Direction of Children and Teenagers Care) and groups of legal age formerly under guardianship coming from the ASJTET (Support Area of Currently and Formerly under Guardianship’s).

The residential centers that we manage are: 

  • CRAE: Residential Centers of Educative Care for girls, boys and teenagers.
  • LLARs: autonomy flats for teenagers.  
  • YOUTH RESIDENCE AND PILs: professional insertion programs for youngsters.
  • PAJ: Assisted flats for youngsters.








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Fundació Eveho
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