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Project IMEX

The IMEX project is a public social innovation project for ex-guardianship young people, led by the Federation itself and funded by the European Recovery Fund Next Generation EU, which is supported by the Ministry of Social Rights 2030 and is part of the resilience plan of the Spanish Government.

IMEX FEPA - Personal Reinforcement

MEX FEPA - Emancipation Referent

Create a Public Model of Reference for the Deinstitutionalization of caring for ex-guardianship young people through the integration of a support mechanism to provide assistance to all persons in difficulty and/or in need in the last phase of the residential service or once out of the system.

IMEX FEPA - Insertion Professional (Econnectat’ 't)

Line co-financed by the IMEX project for the installation of solar panels and educational training in this field (Training Centre).


“The IMEX Project – Process to Emancipation from Success, pursues the ambitious objective to create and consolidate the future model of public and European reference, for the deinstitutionalisation in the management of ex-guardianship young people, aged 18 to 25. The initiative has two very clear parts: one part a preventive to institutionalization and another part to a safe transition in adult life. The various partners involved in the project, led by the FEPA, are: 36 entities, 3 universities and 12 bodies of public administration.

“During this day, the president of FEPA, Ferran Rodriguez, broached that “this project represents a great opportunity for all the actors involved in taking charge of the young ex-guardianship and their emancipation pathways, because we build it based on the subsequent transfer of knowledge generated. This is why this project is a major step forward for both the entities involved in the project and those not directly involved. It is the same for public administrations… but above all for the young people we serve. The President of the Federation added that “it is also an excellent opportunity to create and strengthen alliances with the administrations, to learn from each other and, finally, to innovate in the intervention”. (source: Fepa).



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