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T-Feina is a device of the Eveho Foundation promoting equal opportunities, social and professional integration of youngsters having troubles in the professional, educative, formative and social from 16 years old.

We offer socio-professional’s orientation to youngsters in risk of social exclusion with the possibility to access an occupation. We train youngsters to acquire basic, transversal and technical competences allowing them to access the ordinary work market ; knowing that each one of them has their own story and worries which need to be listened and valued to allow them to empower themselves in the realisation of their socio-professional insertion process and then autonomy and emancipation.

It comes down to the preselection supervisor of the work places to take care of the insertion initiative of the foundation: DIKAIA, as well as accompaniement following the classical professional insertion.

We design et promote innovative projects emerging from the detection of the communautarian necessities which need to face a more and more competitive and less and less accessible professional market.

If you are interested in this program send us an email to


Socio-educational support and integration strategies for young migrants who dedicate themselves to collecting scrap, to survive, in the city of Sabadell.

The employers of the Foundation want to continue its mission in its trajectory of attention, self-funding the needs of a group of young people of the municipality of Sabadell, and we do this in collaboration with the social services of the territory.



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Fundació Eveho
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