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Eveho Private Foundation is a NGO with a secular and non-confessional character. It was founded in 2002 with already the knowledge and the experience accumulated since the mid 80’s. Motivated by its founders will to create in a sole institution the development of a range of projects answering the needs of the collective framework of intervention of the foundation: care to vulnerable children, teenagers and youngsters who are facing social exclusion.  

The objective of the foundation is aimed directly to the care of vulnerable childhood, teenagehood and youth to turn them into responsible citizens and so they can emancipate by means of same opportunities as the rest of the youngsters. We work with affection, experience and professionalism and that’s what characterizes us. And we do it through the design, the creation and the execution of all the initiatives, actions, services, residential centers, educative platforms and socioprofessional insertion giving the answer to the necessities that the collective always need.


Integral educative intervention for childhood, teenagehood and youth socially excluded or in risk of social exclusion. We consider education as a generating tool of positive changes and improvement of the underserved populations, from an interdisciplinary and participative model and by paying attention to diversity. 

Individual care where the educative figure is the referential part; of the training of the adequate capacity and necessary habits to the personal development of our youngsters; so they can turn into socially qualified citizens possessing equal opportunities.  

Continuous and innovative work, of strategic planification, where services, projects and/or initiatives aimed to overlay the needs of the collective for which we answer, generating new opportunities and supporting them so they can be self-sufficient.  


Working for an autonomous entity of reference in the design and management of innovative proposals regarding youngsters, in the process of protection, in the communitarian initiatives of professional insertion for youngsters and in inclusive measures regarding diversity. 

Implementation of strategies to enhance the quality of the residential and open environment services, the work in networks and the design of the educational intervention of the affectivity of childhood and in the service of families we attend to. 


Commitment, work in networks and team work in the service of our collective intervention goal – Bound, affection, happiness and prevention as an axis for our interventions – Creativity and initiative to enhance our services – Transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in the execution of our work and profession – Respect for diversity and equalityFreedomSocial responsibilitySocial justice

Our identity

Experience in the design and adaptation of services, programs and educational tools which meet the needs of children and teenagers at risk, individually and collectively. 

Work in a multitasking team and networked with an integral and inclusive educative side oriented by social commitment, prevention, unity and respect for diversity. 

Leadership in the design and development of autonomous projects, insertion socio-professional and emancipation of our youngsters currently or formerly under guardianship. 

Assessment of the impact through the Theory of Change to continuously reinforce our commitment in our interventions with the aim of improving the life and opportunities of the children, teenagers and youngsters we serve. 


Eveho Foundation is governed under the United Nations Organisation (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


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